Installation of libwacom
Install libwacom by running the
following commands:
mkdir build &&
cd build &&
meson setup .. \
--prefix=/usr \
--buildtype=release \
-D tests=disabled &&
To test the results, issue: ninja
test. To run additional tests, install pytest-8.3.5, python-libevdev, and pyudev, then
remove the "-D tests=disabled" option from the meson line above.
If upgrading from a previous version of libwacom, remove the old
device database installation to prevent a potential duplicated
match of devices in case some old database files are not
rm -rf /usr/share/libwacom
Now, as the root
ninja install
Command Explanations
Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as
the default may produce unoptimized binaries.
-D tests=disabled
: This
parameter disables some of the more advanced tests because they
require pytest-8.3.5 and other two Python modules beyond
the scope of BLFS to work properly.