
Introduction to Lynx

Lynx is a text based web browser.

Package information

Lynx dependencies

Installation of Lynx

Install Lynx by running the following commands.

./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/etc --with-ssl --with-zlib &&
make &&
make install &&
make DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/lynx-2.8.4/lynx_doc \
   HELPDIR=/usr/share/doc/lynx-2.8.4/lynx_help install-doc &&
make DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/lynx-2.8.4/lynx_doc \
   HELPDIR=/usr/share/doc/lynx-2.8.4/lynx_help install-help &&
sed s/"t\/etc"/"t\/usr\/share\/doc\/lynx\-2\.8\.4"/ \
   /etc/lynx.cfg > /etc/lynx.bak &&
mv /etc/lynx.bak /etc/lynx.cfg

Command explanations

--libdir=/etc: For some reason, the configure and make routine for lynx uses libdir as the prefix for the configuration file. We set this to /etc so that the system wide configuration file is /etc/lynx.cfg.

--with-ssl: This enables support for linking SSL into lynx.

--with-zlib: This enables support for linking zlib into Lynx.

DOCDIR=... HELPDIR=...: We set these variables to avoid getting the help and documentation files installed under /etc.

sed... mv /etc/lynx.bak /etc/lynx.cfg: This sed command changes the /etc/lynx.cfg file so it looks for the help files in the correct place.

Configuring Lynx

Config files


Configuration Information

Various settings such as proxies can be set in the system-wide lynx.cfg file found in /etc.


The Lynx package contains lynx .



lynx is a general purpose, text-based, distributed information browser for the World Wide Web.