
Introduction to Audacious

Audacious is an audio player.

This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 11.3 platform.

Package Information

Additional Downloads

Required Plugins

Audacious Dependencies


GTK+-2.24.33 or Qt-5.15.8 (or both), libxml2-2.10.3 (plugins), Xorg build environment (plugins), and a graphical environment (runtime)


ALSA-1.2.7 and dbus-1.14.6, also gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0 (runtime)


libarchive-3.6.2 and Valgrind-3.20.0

Recommended (for Plugins)

Optional (for Plugins)

cURL-7.88.1, FAAD2-2.10.1, FFmpeg-5.1.2, FLAC-1.4.2, LAME-3.100, libcdio-2.1.0 (to identify and play CDs), libnotify-0.8.1, libsamplerate-0.2.2, libsndfile-1.2.0, libvorbis-1.3.7, PulseAudio-16.1, SDL-1.2.15, ampache-browser, adplug, The Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP (bs2b) library, FluidSynth, JACK (requires libsamplerate-0.2.2), libcue, libmodplug, libmms, libopenmpt, libsidplayfp, LIRC, sndio, SoX, and WavPack

User Notes:

Installation of Audacious

Installation of the Main Audacious Program

Install Audacious by running the following commands (you may wish to change the stamp to another string):

TPUT=/bin/true ./configure --prefix=/usr \
                           --with-buildstamp="BLFS" &&

This package does not come with a test suite.

Now, as the root user:

make install

Installation of Audacious Plugins

Install the required plugins package by issuing the following commands:

tar -xf ../audacious-plugins-4.2.tar.bz2                &&
cd audacious-plugins-4.2                                &&
TPUT=/bin/true ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-wavpack &&

Now, as the root user:

make install


This package installs icon files into the /usr/share/icons/hicolor hierarchy and desktop files into the /usr/share/applications hierarchy. You can improve system performance and memory usage by updating /usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme and /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache. To perform the update you must have GTK+-2.24.33 or GTK+-3.24.36 installed (for the icon cache) and desktop-file-utils-0.26 (for the desktop cache) and issue the following commands as the root user:

gtk-update-icon-cache -qtf /usr/share/icons/hicolor &&
update-desktop-database -q

Command Explanations

TPUT=/bin/true: the default is for make to output text in color. This is fine if you are building in a terminal, but if you script the build process and pipe the output from make to a log file then the control characters used to color the text can make the logfile unreadable. This option prevents make from coloring the text.

--with-buildstamp: This switch appends the given text to the version string.

--disable-wavpack: This switch is required unless the optional WavPack package is installed.

--enable-gtk: Use this to enable GTK+ support.

--disable-qt: Use this to disable qt support.

--disable-mp3: Use this for the plugins if you have not installed mpg123 and do not wish to play mp3 files.

--enable-valgrind: Allow better Valgrind leak checks.

--disable-neon: Use this for the plugins if you have not installed neon, and do not want to use HTTP/HTTPS transport.

Configuring Audacious

If you prefer the old, smaller Winamp/XMMS interface, click on View> Interface> Winamp Classic Interface.

If you built with both Gtk and Qt user interfaces, the Qt version can be executed from a terminal, issuing audacious --qt. If you wish a desktop menu entry to execute this Qt version, issue the following commands as the root user:

cp -v /usr/share/applications/audacious{,-qt}.desktop &&

sed -e '/^Name/ s/$/ Qt/' \
    -e '/Exec=/ s/audacious/& --qt/' \
    -i /usr/share/applications/audacious-qt.desktop


Installed Programs: audacious and audtool
Installed Libraries:,,,, and several plugin libraries under /usr/lib/audacious/ sub-directories
Installed Directories: /usr/include/{audacious,libaudcore,libaudgui,libaudqt}, /usr/lib/audacious and /usr/share/audacious

Short Descriptions


is a Qt port of XMMS based on the Beep Media Player


is a small tool to modify the behavior of a running audacious instance